New Client: Personal Data Inventory

There are three stages to becoming a new client:

  1. Fill out the Personal Data Inventory (this page)
  2. Sign the Telemental Health Consent form (next page)
  3. Schedule your first session (last page).

Personal Data Inventory

Please complete the Personal Data Inventory You can scroll down to see availability before you decide, but please remember that you must complete the PDI before the first session.

Personal Data Inventory – Meghan

General Information

All information is confidential and securely saved in the site’s database. There is no third party access or sharing of this information. 


Family & Marriage Information

Please provide some background on your immediate family. (only applies to married applicants and/or parents)


Medical Information

Please provide some medical background that will help us discuss any concerns and issues you might have. 


Family History

Tell me about your upbringing and current family. 


Area of Difficulties/Struggles

Please tell me about the areas of your life in which you’re having some struggles.


Final Agreements

Please read carefully the following information:

Meghan Eileen Dillon is an intern counseling student, finishing her master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Liberty University. She offers counseling as part of her Masters program and works under the supervision of Kelly Marie Baxley, who has a Master of Arts in Counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary. Kelly is a Licensed Professional Counselor and her license number is 2017017271. They are also under the authority of the elders of the United Church of Bogotá (UCB).

Meghan provides counseling based on Biblical principles and she is a Christian counselor. It is Meghan’s intention to work with each client in a manner that, though shaped by and impacted by her faith, will help them toward their intended goals, though they may not share that same faith. She is not recognized as a therapist or psychologist in Colombia and will refer clients to the right professional if their issue is outside of her scope of practice. Under certain circumstances, she may choose to work alongside a psychologist or psychiatrist and accompany their professional work.

Please digitally sign this form by writing your full name in the box below.